My next two weeks are going to be packed, so I got started on part of my Day 1 #holidayblitz planning by having a video chat with my adult son and daughter about their favorite foods, activities, decorations, etc. It is SO worth it to hear what is important to them and what is nice, but not necessary. It has changed a bit from a few years ago, so I'm glad we had the call. Bonus: I have felt occasional guilt about the way our Thanksgiving has been shifting over the past few years, but I saw in our call that they love it as-is and are okay with impromptu overnight guests leading to shifting sleeping arrangements. Nice to know I can stop fretting about that!👍🏼 Bonus 2: I now know the little nativity set my daughter made when she was a Kindergartener (out of tiny terracotta pots, wooden beads, fabric, and glue) is one of the things she looks forward to seeing every year. Glad to know I should *not* treat it as one of the childhood projects that can be "recycled"! 😮 Thanks for making the Blitz include this exercise! Good to realize preferences can shift after a few years, too. 🎄

Posted by Cynthia Bader at 2022-11-06 19:32:11 UTC