Years ago I took a few courses held at a local seminary’s Lay Ministry Institute. One had a reading list that included a book entitled: Life Tumbles In. So poignant! I’ve been leisurely decluttering the lower level when I learned Winston, my canine pal, will be here 5/3-5/6. Well…overnight I got an email from his mom that they will be traveling extensively from 4/26-5/14. And she proposed the option for me to keep him here the entire time since their “at home” times are barely enough for them to unpack, do laundry and re-pack. Gulp! He’ll arrive next week….in fact, Monday 4/25 works better for me. Of course, I’d love to have him! How-so-ever……………the lower level foyer and the main level of my home aren’t “Winston ready” quite yet. They can be but…I gotta kick into gear ASAP! Can I be ready? Of course. Will I? Sure. Just takes some focused effort to finish the job WITHOUT the big swipe to just kick things into a corner in the garage or behind closed doors. WISH ME LUCK!!!

Posted by Judy Helmold at 2022-04-19 08:54:14 UTC