Today’s plan to get me refocused on my ASBB project: bring my iPad to the lower level so…..I can see/hear what’s going on during Sunday Basket. My SB time has almost exclusively been spent sorting endless papers on the main level. That effort is getting under control but…the decluttering the lower level has a time limit for finishing: May 5, 2022. It isn’t a strenuous task. I am strongly resisting the urge to just shove the stuff in the garage because of delayed decisions to toss or donate. And……..once the lower level room & foyer are “finished,” I can look for someone to clean at least the two lower levels of my home. They will actually be able to SEE the entire floor! And…be able to walk thru without stepping over stuff! Out of sight, out of mind is OVER! Woohoo!

Posted by Judy Helmold at 2022-04-10 12:09:27 UTC