ASBB Day 4 03/24/22: This morning was half over by the time I finished my gym class, a brief stop at Costco and a food run. The plan was to chill a bit w/snacks then dive back in. Well………my signed e-File authorization forms needed to be scanned & uploaded to my CPA. Hit a roadblock there as I have for the past two years with their very simple process. I was on the verge of tears from frustration after spending well over 30 min spinning my wheels. Then I realized….I hadn’t had lunch. My brain was fading out. Took time for lunch and a 40 min walk on a pleasant spring day before going down to the garage for more focused effort. A big win is a slight functional change. One shelf unit was pretty empty so I emptied the one next to it, putting things where they belonged, tossing what I could and shuffled the keeper items to the empty shelf. Then….I dragged those shelves a few feet away from the others. The result is I can now open my car door fully so I don’t have juggle heavy cases of water while I get out of a half-open car door, use my hips to close the car door then walk the items where they belong. Now the door can open wide AND there’s several square feet of floor to immediately stack the cartons of water. Just a few things on my docket tomorrow. I’ll check with my CPA to see if she got my authorizations. If not, I can email them directly as I did the past 2 years OR drive them over there in person.

Posted by Judy Helmold at 2022-03-24 20:06:04 UTC