ASBB Day 3: 03/23/22 Before heading down to my garage to tackle more ASBB efforts, I listened to Lisa’s podcast. I’m glad I did since her approach du jour was in my mind as I continued to organize. I had left my vehicle outside after my gym class so I could freely walk around. As Lisa had stressed, getting like with like is a good thing! I did have work and donations sorta gathered up but not in the most efficient way. I found a few more empty cartons that I put aside for now. They will serve as containers to carry small pieces of cardboard to recycling. Then I found freebie tote after tote piled up. Okay…time to put them together vs tossed aside. Some of the larger Container Store plastic bags are strong & handled. Aha! I hung a few on a metal stand…waiting to be filled with items for donation. Not a lot hit the trash can today but item after item was put together to take to Best Buy for recycling. And…one set of interlocking shelves was now empty. Woohoo! Okay…time to put 3 old Tanita weight scales no longer in use in one place. There’s actually a 4th in a Tanita box I’ll move to that shelf unit. Found 1 cute shoe…hoping I didn’t toss its mate. Then unearthed a small bag containing Yoga Jellies! So ironic that one of my Facebook Memories posts this morning mentioned them! So I brought them upstairs to put on my yoga mat to use with my at-home mat Pilates. My Orangetheory workout was non-stop and tough this morning! Not sure how much more mental energy I have for ASBB today. About to head outside for a walk to maintain my lead in a Fitbit challenge since the rain seems to have moved out. Need to primp for the work Town Hall…gotta leave here 1:30PM, won’t be home til 5PM’ish. No rest for the weary today!

Posted by Judy Helmold at 2022-03-23 15:36:34 UTC