ASBB Day 2: 03/22/22 Started the day with a win: a visit to the local recycling center where I tossed a bunch of empties in the green glass bin and walked quite a few broken down cardboard cartons to their appropriate spot. Now I feel like a Yorkie who is trotting along with an 8’ branch in her mouth realizing it’s more than she can chew! Thought the shelves on the side of the garage I’m starting with would proceed smoothly. They did: most everything is work related that can now be tossed or brought to Best Buy recycling. However, Goodwill items are mixed in so the 30 min segment I allocated didn’t result in a visible dent. Some things like old freebie totes were walked to the other side of the room. Small boxes were broken down & put in a carton for the next recycling drop off. A few items went inside with other usable stationery items and a few will go up to the loft. Think I spent more time walking stuff around than anything else. SO……now I’ll go for walk #2 of the day before heading back to the garage to deal with some of the items sprawled on the floor…………like my heavy seal fur coat that I get to wear maybe once every few years in Atlanta and items ready for Goodwill that can be moved to where the other donations are. A bit tedious yet progress is occurring! Just not all in the same Zone. It’s like a tile game where 3-4 tiles need to move for the make room for what’s the next thing to add to the Goodwill pile. Several years ago when I did a deep dive in the garage, I literally focused on 1 sq ft at a time. Otherwise, I felt like I was treading water. Ever onward!

Posted by Judy Helmold at 2022-03-22 16:23:22 UTC