Decision making fatigue. I need some help as to which space to blitz in. a) my home office, which has come a looong way, but there is always more to do. It's my space, no kids allowed and husband only fetches something occasionally. b) our garage/shed room, which is driving me crazy. So much wasted and unorganized space, constant dumping ground and nothing makes sense. But it would have to be organized in a self-explanatory way and labelled neatly, so that every time-pressed, headless, sleep-deprived person will put things back immediately. Which is always me, because hubby is "organizationally challenged", to put it nicely. So it's a me-space against a family space. A space with lots of paper, books and dragged-along things which need emktional deep-dives against a space with a quick reward but maybe some maintenance organization and family-reminding needed. Which should I go for? *tired momma speaking *

Posted by Kristina Simm at 2022-03-11 09:42:36 UTC