Since my fifth-grader began a music-study program in grade three, she has had two instrument recitals a year for which each family brings a dessert for a dessert buffet to follow the show. These happen in December and June, and for the first four of these I scrambled to make or bring a dessert (I am more of a cook than a baker!) and was never really satisfied with our contribution. This December while I was wondering what to contribute for round five of this party, I kept seeing photos of #mimiscookies pop up in here. I had never really intended to try the recipe, but I finally thought, โ€œWhat the heck?โ€ and bought the ingredients. On Friday I used a window of opportunity to bake them, and today we were ready. Each family is asked to bring about eight servings. Acting on a hunch, we brought a dozen. My daughter and her classmates played their solos beautifully, and then we moved into the dessert room. Within minutes, the plate was empty. โ€œMom, our cookies are really popular!โ€ I think we have our go-to contribution now. And just like that, one more brick falls away from my mental load. Thanks, Lisa, and thanks, Mimi! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿช๐ŸŽป

Posted by Francie Gow at 2024-12-10 03:47:01 UTC