School is in Season! For those who have kids in school, this is the post. My kids are in 5th and 7th grade so we had various trials but this year I feel I owned the beginning of a new school year. Here is what I did: - Back to School Blitz minus shopping for materials as lists only came out the first week of school - Have a week of clothes and food for both ready for start - Block out the first two weeks and be mentally prepared to run the school race My daughter started with a first day at the new school and a school trip from Tuesday to Friday, so we packed on Sunday, had first day with all the new things, and I saw her off on Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon until Friday was filled with buying stuff and materials for both kids, I picked her up and we went for an icecream with other kids, then weekend I helped her to log on on the 4(!) different platforms she needs at the new school. Second week Carlota started to bike, and I trying to put together the bike group and parent group, plus bike training for Martin (last minute), Bronze swimming training for Martin (superlast minute), buying a smartphone for Carlota for the new groups the old phone does not accomodate, going to the stationary store three times more, and printing randomn fotos from one day to the other. Today is parents reunion for one kid, tomorrow for the other one, they will eat prepared dinner in my absence. I am very happy how things went, never did I lose my cool, because I came prepared AND I blocked two weeks of time for schools' demands - I just accepted that there will be nothing else done than that, or everything else is a bonus. From now on, kids have daily checkins with homework and organization, and I will block one afternoon per week out for ongoing school stuff.. I hope it helps someone who is tearing hairs at this point. Good luck to us all!! #backtoschool #keepcoolwithschool
Posted by alexandra.thielicke at 2024-09-16 06:42:30 UTC