#meatysummerproject Step One: I often tell myself I will get it done after work. Why do we lie to ourselves when we procrastinate??? Today I told my inner voice “Nope, you know you will be too tired tonight. Let’s get it done now.” Why was I procrastinating? Here is the thing, I love love love 💕 my space away from my boys. It makes me happy and help me be the best mom I can be. To do this project well and quickly, it meant crouching in on my space. Literally, his room into my room. His mattress in my room. Him sleeping in my room. It took years to get him to sleep in his own room, I don’t want to have to fight to get him out again. E is visiting his older brother. This morning I cleared out his room. In the comments, you will see the before shot. Last picture is his room in my room. It fits.

Posted by Sara Fatty at 2024-08-14 14:17:47 UTC