I’m FINALLY posting something!!! This Blitz has been sooooo good for me and my family! We have realized that we aren’t able to be the family style restaurant as much as we used to. @Lisa Woodruff you gave me permission to stop trying to plan my food differently than we actually consume it!!!! And feeling NO guilt about it!!! I also thought to myself…”I don’t need 5 slash pockets for good planning”…. Ummmm…yes, I actually do!! 1. Kitchen profitability Blitz print out 2. Clean eating - resources that have quick lists fit foods to avoid if you can’t get them organic, dirty dozen, etc 3. Keto recipes and meal planning 4. Master meal/cooking plan & master grocery 5. Girl Can Cook course by Truly BlissfulLiving - Sour Dough, Stocking a Healthy Pantry…etc I am using these almost every week!!! Separating the categories has helped me prep food better for me and my family…which means we are saving money AND eating healthier!!
Posted by Rhonda Haynes at 2024-04-04 16:01:43 UTC