Good morning! Had another success here this holiday season! Last year I was at Michael’s after the holidays and bought these wooden ornaments you can paint. I had thought about using these as name tags for Thanksgiving which didn’t happen but, I did: 1) find them before the holidays 2) search Pinterest for some design ideas 3) actually got out the paint and painted them last night 4) used some paint that’s just been sitting in my hobby room untouched for too long. In the past I would have kept these around for years thinking some day I’ll do something with these, but I’ve finally gotten to where I realize I just need to do it now. If you’ve got a little bit of time you can make it happen. It only ended up taking me a couple of hours to do eight and I could do it while my partner was watching a football game. Excited to share these with friends and family.

Posted by tiffanylynnyoung at 2023-12-01 13:30:36 UTC