My table is set and everyone is asleep! I love this time of day 😂😂. This year I’m trying something new. Instead of keeping drinks in the garage fridge, I am trying an ice chest behind the couch. 1. More space in the fridge. 2. More time for me to do stuff other than find drinks for people. I know for a lot of folks the garage fridge works for drinks, but for some reason anytime we tell someone to help themselves to anything in the garage fridge they come back with, well, what do you have? Which leads us to go out there and come back in to list off what drinks we have and then they say, well I’ll have [insert soda]. Meanwhile, we’ve burnt something in the kitchen and abandoned whatever conversations we were having for one drink! This is my solution and I’ll let you know how it goes!

Posted by tiffanylynnyoung at 2023-11-23 13:24:57 UTC