I FINALLY got to watch the holiday blitz!!!! Whew!! It’s been a marathon of fall football for us, ending with the homeschool football nationals in Panama City Beach, FL!!!🌊🏝️🏈🎉💕 Fortunately…the Holiday Blitz was the first full O365 course I did in 2020. So I had some stuff I could implement with just the printables but there is still something about Lisa, the videos and her energy that adds another layer. We are on our 12 hour drive home… 1. I was able watch the videos with and to talk to my husband and make notes 2. Once my non-adult kids woke up I started the conversation with them. 3. I’ve spoken to one of my adult kids, just one more to go 4. We have some of our desired activities on the calendar 5. Made my grocery list for my Thanksgiving contributions 6. Set a date for beginning the decorating process…AFTER Thanksgiving (my kids are sticklers for this) 7. Made some gift lists 8. Noted the priority home projects to do before Christmas. NOW….. I’m ready to watch and do the Holiday Blitz planning day!!! Woohoo!!!!

Posted by Rhonda Haynes at 2023-11-19 19:39:33 UTC