I had a very productive day today...1st I dropped my kids off at school, then I immediately went to Walmart. Did all my holiday shopping (plus some new sterilite drawers for my daughter's closet to hopefully store some things in a neater way). I am actually only cooking 3 pies and a few cranberry items for Thanksgiving, but I had to shop for everything as my mil just had a surprise bowel resection last week! Quickly made lunch and took it upstairs to listen to the holiday planning day. These are my weekly schedules for the next 6 weeks... with only the confirmed minimum on them πŸ˜† I am going to get post its tomorrow or the next day to add the parts that are more fluid. I'm also waiting to see if I'm canceling my mini vacation to Florida during my husband's work trip....I am actually like 95% sure I'm not going cause my mil had her surgery 1 week ago... and we are supposed to leave in 13 days... and I'm pretty sure she can't drive by then... but just in case (until it's confirmed), I'm leaving that part open. I also wrote out a list of things to put on sticky notes so I am ready to stick! πŸ˜† After mini planning day we picked up our kids and we (plus 4 other friends) went to see Trolls! Luckily all the kids planned their sickness appropriately this week 🀣 Literally 1 right after the other had some weird mystery illness that started with a bad headache and then fever and stomach ache. Literally, 4 of the 5 girls (from 3 different households) missed at least 1 day this week of school (my kids missed 2 and 3 days)... the 5th kid missed a day last week! But all 5 were able to go to school today. After that, 1 girl came to play for a bit. She went home, we ate dinner, and watched Santa Claus for movie night (while I started filling out my calendar) Now I'm staying up way to late but luckily I have no plans until the afternoon so I can sleep in a little. I did have to rearrange my Saturday plans a little this week due to my mil unexpected surgery. I canceled our food tour in the morning cause I didn't want to ask my friend to watch them too long. She is, however, taking them overnight so my husband and I can go to dinner and see a Gatsby Orchestra performance. Then we will pick them up early so we can drop them off at my mil for a short visit so we can do brunch on Sunday because she hasn't seen them for close to 2 weeks due to her hospitalization and their sickness. Ok, that's enough "talking" for now!

Posted by Jami Engerson at 2023-11-18 06:45:05 UTC