I am binging the days today because I was just asked to host Thanksgiving for my husband’s side of the family (9 adults and four kids in our newly remodeled home), and I want to get ahead of it. Lisa’s Day 3 video, though. Wow. My parents divorced when I was 22 after a nasty affair that my mom had in front of my face, and our holidays imploded. We celebrated the same way every year for my whole childhood - Thanksgiving at my grandparents’ house, Christmas Eve at their house and then Christmas Day at ours - and it fell apart. I am now 49 with a husband and two small kids, and now I know why I look forward to the holidays and then wish them away when they arrive. This year, it will be harder, because my dad passed away this summer and my grandma is in memory care. Thank you, Lisa, for sharing and helping me see myself and my experience. This year, I will see how I can make the experience better for me.

Posted by amylagerquist at 2023-11-03 23:07:27 UTC