So far this has helped me set the menu for thanksgiving and know ahead of time who is bringing what. I now have a list for what I need to buy and supply for dinner and I no longer need to think about it! Decorating: I’m ok with a tree and last year we didn’t officially decorate it. We put it up and as we felt like it, we threw stuff on it. By Christmas it had a handful or ornaments and I think my husband did pull some out stuff out of storage to decorate with also. I really don’t remember. I really liked the I decorated tree though. I have a couple of OLD santa ornaments from my great aunt that I love and I’d pull those out if I had the energy but I think the in/slow decorated tree is our new thing. Otherwise, I put up a nativity, an advent “wreath” (like, literally just the brass ring with candles) and some kind of advent calendar for the kids. Anyone have a reuseable advent calendar they love and would recommend? * pic of my friend’s cutie pie baby bear for tax 🥰

Posted by mizliz74 at 2023-11-02 13:05:33 UTC