I've been watching the Holiday Blitz videos and filling out the workbook, and working hard to corral my brain that wants to dash from hither and yon....so my strategy is to watch the video in the morning, make notes in the workbook, and then review the notes before bedtime as a refresher and make any additional notes. While drifting off to sleep a couple nights ago, I startled myself with the realization that we will actually have more visitors for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners than our usual gang! Oh gosh - what fun! But also🤪. A few of these beautiful folks are quite talkative, and I will want to chat and catch up with them rather than cook (and be horribly distracted by the talking AND the cooking, so neither my company nor the food will be very good). SO, my middle-of-the-night thinking was that perhaps having a PRE-holiday get-together with those folks, providing snacks and appetizers, would be a better way to spend time with them than trying to host them all for Thanksgiving dinner? I used to do large gatherings, but just don't have the bandwidth for that this year. Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas to share? Have any of you done this? Thanks y'all ☺️

Posted by Patti Mroczek at 2023-11-01 16:28:53 UTC