During the Sunday Basket Club I mentioned how when I pulled out my Halloween slash pocket that I had filled out last year. I had a note in there that told me how many kids I had at my front door this year to help me figure out how much candy I need. I always buy so much because I’m always afraid I’m going to run out Really surprised me this year was when I looked at the Thanksgiving slash pocket and I had made a full note of the menu that I served last year, everybody that attended, and how much extra food I had after leftovers and sending food home. I was pleasantly surprised to see the notes that I made to myself from last year, so I know exactly what size turkey to buy how much cranberry sauce to make how much squash to make and how many potatoes I need. I don’t even remember doing this, but I am so glad that I did. This blitz is amazing. 🥰

Posted by Michelle Paradice at 2023-10-30 23:42:46 UTC