Before our three-week vacation I did part 1 of my Back to School Blitz but only had one school supplies list out of three. (I have two kids, one in one school and one in a music-study program that is run by two different schools.) Back from vacation, so today it was time to finish the job. I had a day with my 12-year-old, so we went to Staples and knocked out everything on the last two lists. Photo 1: I then spent the entire afternoon labeling every new item. Felt like it took hours! 😂 My son is in the background practising how to open a combination lock as he prepares to change schools for seventh grade. ❤️ Photo 2: Got it all wrangled into three boxes (sorted according to school) just in time to clear the table for the evening meal. Photo 3: Any leftovers from previous years we did not need this year were organized into a bin that will be my “store” for school supplies we already own. Photo 4: While at Staples I found a Day Timer dry erase calendar with 3 months on one side and 120 days on the other. I snapped it up. We are three months from our move to a new house, so we need to up our family planning game during that time. And of course I will flip to the other side after we move to resume planning in Lisa’s 120-day cycles! Photo 5: I hung up a bag with different colours of dry erase markers and each family member will pick one. I hope this works!

Posted by Francie Gow at 2023-08-11 00:41:39 UTC