Update on possible skin cancer: I am going to cross-post this to all my groups to thank them for their prayers for me. Great news! I think I told y'all about the fact that I had to have some biopsies done for non-healing spot on my forehead. Well, the doctor biopsied that spot and found another one. The one I went in for is huge, and I have a scab the size of a quarter on my face where the dermatopathologist cauterized it. I have been really worried about melanoma. Found out today it is basal cell carcinoma, thank goodness. I never thought I would be grateful to have skin cancer because it could have been much worse. I am going to have Mohs surgery on the small site on May 31st. The big one will require Mohs surgery with a plastic surgeon on hand to close me up. They have to coordinate the doctor's schedules for that one, so I don't know when it will be. I was envisioning all kinds of dire things and trying so hard not to "borrow trouble" as my mom used to say, but it was hard to keep optimistic this past week. The dermatopathologist at the time of the biopsies told me that if I got a letter, good. If I got a phone call, not so good. The phone rang while I was at lunch today and I was terrified to answer it. I vow that I am going to start wearing sunscreen! Thanks for any prayers, good vibes, or well wishes you sent up for me. They did the trick!

Posted by Christy Underwood at 2023-05-09 23:09:05 UTC