I think I’ve shared this before, but on (I think) a planning day Lisa suggested writing out our routines on cards and 💡 talk about removing decision fatigue in the AM when I’m barely functioning. I put a white board in my bathroom and posted my routines on the whiteboard. Who says you can’t have white boards in the bathroom?! I actually use my daily inhaler SO MUCH more often now because of the list — hello #ADHD forgetfulness. Now I need to work out my afternoon routine which feels slap dash because there’s a 4yo & 6yo in the mix. I think I’ll take Lisa’s advice and think about what I can implement for that transition from work to picking up the kids FOR ME. Once I dial that in, I can work on the kiddos & their evening routine a little more — it’s pretty good but sometimes feels 🤪 #routines #routinesblitz #morningroutine #eveningroutine

Posted by Li Yun Alvarado at 2023-03-25 16:39:31 UTC