Just finished with two bedrooms (my son's and ours). After around 5 hours, I'm glad the house is so small! As with yesterday's kitchen task, I didn't find a ton of stuff to declutter since I've done that a few times this year; the first photo is all there was (minus two jackets that I may try to sell and minus several socks with holes in them, which I threw out). What took so long, though, was that I'd been storing boxes of photos, Creative Memories and photography stuff, and photo albums in our closet on a bookshelf whose width took up the entire length of one closet side. Several other boxes were on the floor and on a nightstand. Since Lisa had mentioned paying attention to "passion projects" in the bedroom, I decided to relocate everything (temporarily, till I finish scanning! 😬) to the "office area" of our living room. After doing that, I was able to fit the chair, bedrest, etc., that you see in the second photo into my side of the closet; the other side (third photo) also had a bit more room but remained largely as it was. Honestly, my biggest decluttering problem is I want to sell everything that I know has value (and have done so successfully in the past over many years), but things have been too busy lately for me to deal with that, too. So there's a LOT of "to sell" stuff in our garage. 😱 I think I'm going to try going through all that later this week, though, and only leave what I think I really will get around to selling and what will sell for the most money. Btw, for those of you with grown kids, I asked my son what he'd do with the stuff in the garage if it was still there when we no longer were; he said he'd try selling the electronics (which take up hardly any space!) and donate the rest! I think adult kids may not want much of the stuff we hold onto in case they want or need it.... 🤔

Posted by Dreamer at 2022-12-27 22:48:00 UTC