Today I'm addressing my holiday cards. I also wrote down how many I printed, how many I used, how many stamps I need (my family near by gets theirs hand delivered ha), and how many personal address labels I need. Tomorrow or the next day I will ship them out! And I will add that information to my binder once I start the binder ha. It will go in my Sunday basket currently. Tomorrow I also plan to make my master Christmas list on what I still need for Christmas (shopping and making ect) I have bought certain things as I saw them but have been mostly concentrating me efforts on my photo projects. I completed my Alaska family trip photo book for myself and 2 brothers and my Christmas cards. One last project that I will make by December 3rd is my family photo calendar that I give to my mil, aunt and myself. P.S. zoom in on the cat...🤣

Posted by Jami Engerson at 2022-12-01 03:30:49 UTC