Holiday Blitz Wrap-up reflection... Initially I thought I would divide up the days of the Blitz week differently bc I have different topics (posted about it). But it worked better to stay on pace with Lisa's videos as is during the whole week, and then use Friday (and the days after) to set up different topics for my slash pockets. Doing the Blitz took me time, of course, but I feel really more ready and joyful about the holiday season. I am excited to observe how I experience it differently because I did the Blitz. Because that feels so good, I am planning to reuse my Blitz SPs for the next seasonal bunch of stuff after the holidays are over. For us that will be Lent, Easter (faith-related + 1 week husband vacation), summer early planning. First SP I keep for planning overview of the whole season. It has been so helpful and fun to do it together in this app group! Thank you for all the encouragement and support!

Posted by Anne-Laure Schulze Wessel at 2022-11-17 15:36:16 UTC